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Grade Level

T/Th 2 to 3 pm

9th to 12th graders


About the Course

This course is an engaging blend of anatomy and physics. Students study the body's systems,

the effects the force has on something and the study of what causes the motion, forces, and movements

Your Instructor

Dr. Kumari Robinson

Kumari comes from a large, homeschooling family and has been teaching and helping others learn for as long as she can remember. She received her Bachelor's degree from University of Maryland in Kinesiological Sciences, and Doctorate from George Washington University in Physical Therapy. She has been been employed at Johns Hopkins Hospital in that capacity for the last 5 years. Anatomy, Physiology and the biological sciences have been the cornerstone of her education and are often considered the cornerstone classes for health sciences and the study of medicine on an undergraduate and graduate level. She is excited to become part of the STEM Center!

Dr. Kumari Robinson
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